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【槟城酒店】亲子游 · HARD ROCK HOTEL PENANG 入住海边星级酒店 · 水上乐园

The Celebrations


Let's start my topic of the day . It's all about few amazing b'day celebrations for my best friends #bff within this year.

Attendance :
Syohn 's Birthday
Venue : Tree Monkey House , Teluk Bahang·
A great ambience of surrounding w/ natural view & fresh air. Served good Thai food w/ affordable price. If you're looking for some nice restaurant w/ good view of sunset , it's your best choice dining w/ your love here & have romantic dinner.

Ming Hu 's Birthday
The so not 70's Party Rocking at one of the night pub near by Lameizhi , Nagore Road.
Theme of the B'day party night ** 70's ** was so failed . Well, it's quite fun though & make some new friends around there .

me looks weird :(

Yon Ye 's Birthday
Venue : Bukit Genting ·
My very first time after so long , was disappointed so much towards the taste of food. Tasteless food & expensive priceyyy . The point of visiting this restaurant is bcoz of GREAT VIEW of PENANG ISLAND.

Kwang Liang 's Birthday
Venue : Tambun Seafood Restaurant & Bed Auto City  ·
Awesome dinner at Tambun 虾姑村 w/ gang of friends and some of Liang's friends.
After dining heading to Bed for 2nd round & had our great times there. His superb girlfie handmade cupcakes did surprised him a lot . Shoo sweet.

Ah Theing 's Birthday
Venue : Red Lounge Belissa Row ·
Rushed to Red to meet up new friend of 2012 , Ah Theing. A crazy yet friendly babe :)
So sorry that couldn't attend to her b'day dinner the day before b'day . is nice to meet you girl !

Steven' S Birthday
Venue : Room Auto City
Happy B'day to bro Steven aka chaokeekee. The annoying guy in my life . fake yet funny :P hahaha
Went to Room after working to celebrate his big day and I nearly getting drunk . opppsss

Huei Sean , Chia Wen & Cymin 's Birthday
Venue : Deluxcious Spa & Cuisine Restaurant ·
The very 2nd times for me to visit this restaurant . You guys must try out their buffet , it's really great dining ambience and good service. They served good food as well such as spaghetti , beef , chicken , duck sliced and appetizer. A wine bar is just outside of the location, it's good for friends chilling during night times :D
This is the  night at Deluxcious which we choose for celebrating for Huei Sean , Chia Wen and Cymin 's 20 th Birthday.

the handmade card by me :D

handmade card by chiawen & all of us for Huei Sean :3
DIY little memories booklet for Chiawen & Cymin

The blogger

w/f b'day girls


Heng 's Birthday
Venue : Ingolf Knidge ·
A long-time-no-see friend , Heng Ng . Attended to his b'day dinner and catch up w/ those bro.
2nd round at Nueve once again. They're good drinkers :D and such as party animal when I first know them . hehehe
the b'day boyyyy- Heng Ng

w/ babe Ann

my dishes of the night

stupid thgs credited by Steven Kee

Von 's Birthday
Venue : Via Pre Weld Quay ·
A newly italian restaurant . I enjoyed the precious moment w/ all of them and sorry for being lated in the dinner though. Must try out their carbonara :D it's yummy and taste creamy won't too heavy.

Hui Xiang's Birthday
Venue : That Little Wine Bar & Library SQ
Rushed for dinner celebration after working in Gurney Plaza for Reebonz. First of all I thought the price range should be very expensive, but surprising it's not at all. Lovin their dessert which served w/ hot apple & vanila ice cream. Recommended to those sweet bites peeps . hehe

Handmade cupcake by Kek from the b'day girl :3

Zuen's Birthday
Venue : Italianiess Gurney Paragon ·
Always my favorite restaurant for risoto and tiramisu. But this time I try our new food that I never tried before . winks* .  Awesome celebration and catch up w/ my bestiees , feel so good and happieee. Uncounted peoples attended to this dinner as well .Woots
Simple dressing up myself due to limited times I had , it's very very busy nowadays. 

pic of the day 

Us :3

Happy B'day Zuen


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【槟城酒店】亲子游 · HARD ROCK HOTEL PENANG 入住海边星级酒店 · 水上乐园

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